Today is special because it is beautiful outside. Today is special because it is summer. Today is special because I am alive.

I Am Very Nervous to Admit This…

I did not know that the dream of having my own life free from the busy world was possible, until now. But, now I am afraid it is too late for me. I spent the majority of my adult life seeking independence from my family and searching for the best 'career.' I went to school,…

Returning to and Reordering My Blog.

Life has its setbacks, we all have things that make our worlds hard to live in, but there is hope.  My struggle is mood, therefore my purpose is to conquer mood.  I believe that the universe gives all something that forces us to change the way we think about this world. It can be money issues,…

Tips On How To Be Fearless

For this Monday, I want to share I post I saw a couple of weeks ago on being fearless. Having a mental health issue involves a lot of facing fears if we are ever to live a full meaningful life with a mental disorder. The Obsession Begins posted a beautiful post on how to work towards…

Andy at the Park

Daniel and I decided to take our cat out to the park since he has been going crazy cooped up inside our apartment. Our apartment is in the middle of downtown so there is no 'yard' to take him out to. So, the park is the second best choice. I think he really likes all…

SagitariousGallery: Last Unicorn Painting

  Artist Aja Kusick (SagitariousGallery on Esty) created a gorgeous series of pop culture-inspired paintings in Van Gough's infamous style. Here is 'Last Unicorn' for your viewing pleasure. Check out the article and her shop on Etsy in the sources below.   Sources: